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Gemetrix Melee Inspector

Gemetrix Melee Inspector


Regular price $555.00
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It uses 4 UV Lamp which helps in determining or detect Lab Grown Diamond (HPHT) or Synthetic Diamonds. The Best part !!! Your Smart Phone camera can also detect it by help of this machine 

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Lab Grown Diamonds (HPHT) or Synthetic Diamonds are the greatest threat to the present scenario of Diamond industry or to a valuable jewellery industry. It is a threat to the integrity of diamond dealers and manufacturers who might unknowingly sell or use synthetic diamonds and represent them as natural.Hence, Gemetrix Melee Inspector comes in handy in rescuing us from the problem.

It uses four UV lamps to excite any HPHT grown diamonds which will phosphorescence. The glow can be easily detected with the camera of any of your decent smart-phone.

  • Vast majority of melee sized diamonds (small size less than a carat) is detectable
  • It comes with Battery or AC power
  • Portable and compact size. No need to carry any other equipments 
  • It can be used on either rough or polished stones, parcels of melee, or single diamonds of larger sizes.

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